7 Hormone-balancing foods for Glowing Skin

Sometimes it’s hard to see the sunshine through the clouds when you are going through hormonal breakouts. It can be a source of anxiety, is especially true if you’re a woman with a hormonal imbalance.
It could be PMS-related breakouts, hypothyroidism, fertility treatments, pregnancy our hormones can wreak havoc on our skin.
No need to fret! Mother Nature provides us with everything we need to be glowing, inside and out. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise plan and a positive attitude toward stress, the following seven superfoods can help create the glowing skin and balanced hormones you’ve always wanted.

berries 2
1. Berries
Berries of all types — blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. — are fantastic for glowing skin and balanced hormones. Since they contain high levels of antioxidants, they’re packed with free radical-fighters that will fight aging on the skin and internally. The amazing thing about berries is that they are low in low-sugar, high-fiber fruit, making them perfect for balancing blood sugar and therefore, our hormones and PMS-type symptoms.
2. Turmeric
This supreme superfood is an ancient root that is getting a lot of publicity as of late. but rightly so, Turmeric root has been used in Chinese Medicine for centenaries! Not only does is reduce pain and fight cancer, this wonder spice is fantastic for our skin. It also is amazing at reducing inflammation in the body.
It’s easy to use topically: just mix it with yogurt, milk, water or honey for a DIY mask. Of try it internally to combat oxidative stress that can lead to PMS and problem skin.
3. Walnuts
My favorite nut! Walnuts are often thought of as a brain food in Chinese medicine (it actually even looks like a tiny brain) but their high omega-3 content also makes them a wonderful addition to any glowing skin diet. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to balance the depression, anxiety and mood swings associated with hormonal imbalances. These healthy fats also reduce inflammation and balance insulin, a leading cause of acne in women.
4. Liver
i know… Don’t run away! Although many of us dislike (or downright hate) eating liver, there are still ways for you to get this powerful superfood. If this is a route you’d like to go I’d highly recommend sourcing out grassfed, locally raised sources. Liver is full of fat-soluble and skin-glowing Vitamins A and D, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Zinc is an essential nutrient for both hormones and skin with its immune modulating effects.
Try mixing ground liver into meat sauce or taking desiccated liver tablets if you don’t want to eat this organ meat.
5. Oats
An amazing breakfast and so yummy as overnight oats! They are high in fiber and full of silicon, oats are a no-brainer addition to the skin-brightening diet. Silicon is a trace mineral that promotes firmness and strength in body tissues, while also helping skin retain elasticity, slowing the signs of aging.
6. Avocado
Avocados are full of healthy fats that help stabilize blood sugar and can be added to so many things if you don’t enjoy the taste. Packed with skin-calming minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium, avocados are also a potent source of antioxidants that help your body squash free radicals. More good news for women with estrogen dominance or related conditions like PCOS, endometriosis and fibroids. This powerhouse contains a plant sterol with anti-estrogen properties, making it an important part of a hormone-balancing diet.
I highly recommend chocolate avocado pudding! Comment below if you want a recipe! It’ll literally blow your mind!
7. Broccoli
Broccoli is a member of the delicious and extremely nutritious cruciferous vegetable family, which is originally from Italy (fun fact). It’s full of blood sugar-balancing fiber plus anti-aging Vitamins C and A, and contains estrogen-balancing molecules sulforaphane and DIM. Both of these have proved to be helpful balance hormones as well as diffusing hormone-related skin conditions like acne.
There are a few more worth mentioning:
Sweet Potatoes
Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut
Green Tea
Kale and other leafy greens
The basis of any good way of eating, whether for the health of your skin or not, is whole, real foods and clean water. Regularly adding these foods to your diet will have a big impact on your skin and hormones over time!

Could your hormones be causing you to be physically and mentally out of whack??


Are you struggling with:

~ Persistant weight gain?
~ Low energy or chronic fatigue?
~ Anxiety, Irritability or depression?
~ Insomnia or poor sleep patterns?
~ Low libido?
~ Hot flashes, night sweats?
~ Cravings, digestive problems?

~ Acne/facial hair?

As woman we have so many things in our environment that kinda mess with our hormones. Not to mention most girls are on the pill by the age of 16!

Our body actually forgets how to produce hormones normally by itself and can take some time to balance it back out, especially after years of being on it!
After being on the pill for 10 years I decided to go off of it to start to cleanse my body before I wanting to try for children. I decided get an copper IUD and gave that a shot for about a year but it never felt comfortable. I think it’s because I ended up having a slight septate uterus which probably made it not sit normally. Sorry if that’s TMI.
Anyway, after going off the pill I started to see how my body actually works and what it looks like to produces hormones all on my own. I balanced my cycles with a combination of Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, exercise, herbs and nutrition.
It wasn’t until I went through 3 years, 4 pregnancy looses and using progesterone suppositories that in August of 2015 my body and mind were a mess! This is when I dove into rediscovering my health, career and life! When I discovered Beachbody and decided to invest in me and start a coaching career that’s when everything changed!
Does this sound like you? Are you going through similar things? Don’t worry! You can get back to you again! I have lived and breathed this and it’s possible! You are not alone
Here are some proven ways to correct your hormonal imbalance.

Lifestyle Changes

Many imbalances are lifestyle related. Start by making correction in your personal environment.



  • Kick your sugar habit, including artificial sweeteners
  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol
  • Eliminate foods with wheat or flour
  • Eliminate gluten
  • Reduce caffeine
  • Throw out all the processed foods, they are filled with hormone disrupters
  • Aim for 80/20 (80% vegetables / 20% protein either plant and/or animal) preferably organic and grass feed)
  • Take digestive enzymes and probiotics to heal your gut

Home Environment

  • Clean up your living environment
  • Get rid of toxic cleaners and chemicals, including laundry products (these are all endocrine disruptors).
  • Remove fluoride from your water and tooth products
  • Replace plastic in your kitchen with glass



  • Use only real natural body and hair products – what you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream.
  • Detox – don’t fast or go straight into a juice detox. If your body isn’t acclimated to this type of process it will do everything to hold onto fat stores for future energy use.
  • Move your body – your body isn’t meant to sit all day. Try walking, yoga, swimming if you are new or taking it up a notch if you are already in a exercise routine.


  • Clean up your mental environment – personal development has been one of the most amazing shifts in my life! Negative self talk and comparison to others brings on unnecessary stress, raises your cortisol level and starts the hormone roller coaster over and over.
  • Get rid of the endless cycle of stories floating in your head – start adding in positive affirmations around the house. I find it really handy if you put them on sticky notes and post them round the house.
  • Practice daily the Art of Presence – even if you are a terrible mediator don’t give up trying. There are many podcasts and videos that you can use to help make the experience positive until you can do it yourself
  • Decide what you want more: a happy life that is symptom free or going on the way you have been going?



  • Figuring out YOU from the inside out and working to be the best you is grounding, affirming and it builds confidence. It is the must needed step toward less depression and more vitality
  • Surround yourself with people that support your transformation.
  • Find your zen, your happiness, your joy and your euphoria
  • Cultivate new creative endeavours


Not sure where to start? Join one of my monthly groups that will teach you everything you need to know to transform your health, life and mind! Contact me about a consult and we can chat about your path forward to the happiest version on you!

Contact me: Katie.Musicco@gmail.com

Self-Developmet Sunday – Why We Do What We Do

I have a confession to make. I’m a motivational talk addict. Diving into personal development has completely changed my life and I want to share with you a collection of my favourite TED talks to boost your self confidence.
These aren’t just talks that will tell you to ‘talk positively about yourself’, ‘exercise and eat well’ or to ‘love yourself more’. These talks will challenge your way of thinking about yourself. They will make you look at yourself in a different way, talk about yourself in a different way and re-evaluate how you fit into this world.
So I’m going to call it Self-Development Sunday and for the next 9 Sundays I am going to post an amazing video that if you watch and implement can transform your life!
Have a watch and comment below with your top take away from this video
1 – Tony Robbins – Why We Do What We Do
Your why, and your understanding of your why is essential to your self confidence. Knowing not only who you are and what you do – but why you do it makes you more sure of your place in this world.


Q: What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
A) Check Facebook
B) Check your email
C) Meditate
D) Exercise
E) Hit snooze (x10)
F) Drink hot tea
G) Eat
H) Other (What is it?)morning
“On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.” – Matthew Kelly
For so many years I didn’t even know that this was so important and really sets your intentions for the day.
An amazing book that I am now reading again is called the Miracle morning. It totally transformed my life when I implemented it but I have kind of fallen off the bus. Waking up with a blahh mindset that for the rest of the day vibrated throughout everything I did.
Here is an example of a 6-minute Miracle Morning for those days when you’re extra busy or if you are just starting out or for those of you that are so overwhelmed with your life situation right now that you are feeling stress just thinking about adding one more thing.
I think we can all agree that investing six minutes in our self is reasonable, even when we’re busy, and I think you may be pleasantly surprised when you see just how POWERFUL (and life-changing) six minutes can be!
Imagine that the first six minutes of every morning begins like this…
Minute One… (Silence)
Imagine waking up in the morning, and instead of rushing carelessly into your hectic day—feeling stressed and overwhelmed—imagine that you instead spend the first minute sitting in purposeful Silence. You sit, very calm, very peaceful, and you breathe deeply, slowly. Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude to appreciate the moment, or pray for guidance on your journey. Maybe, you decide to try your first minute of meditation. As you sit in silence, you’re totally present in the now, in the moment. You calm your mind, relax your body, and allow all of your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction…
Minute Two… (Affirmations)
You pull out your daily Affirmations—the ones that remind you of your unlimited potential and your most important priorities—and you read them out loud from top to bottom. As you focus on what’s most important to you, your level of internal motivation increases. Reading over the reminders of how capable you really are, gives you a feeling of confidence. Looking over what you’re committed to, what your purpose is, and what your goals are re-energizes you to take the actions necessary to live the life you truly want, deserve, and now know is possible for you…
Minute Three… (Visualization)
You close your eyes, or you look at your vision board, and you visualize. Your Visualization could include your goals, what it will look and feel like when you reach them. You visualize the day going perfectly, see yourself enjoying your work, smiling and laughing with your family, or your significant other, and easily accomplishing all that you intend to accomplish for that day. You see what it will look like, you feel what it will feel like, and you experience the joy of what you will create…
Minute Four… (Scribing)
Imagine, pull out your journal, and in your journal, you take a minute to write down what you’re grateful for, what you’re proud, and the results you’re committed to creating for that day. Doing so, you put yourself in an empowered, an inspired, and confident state of mind.
Minute Five… (Reading)
Then, you grab your self-help book and invest one miraculous minute reading a page or two. You learn a new idea, something that you can implement into your day. You discover something new that you can use to feel better—to be better.
Minute Six… (Exercise)
Finally, you stand up and you spend the last minute, doing jumping jacks for 60 seconds and getting your heart rate up and getting energized and waking yourself up and increasing your ability to be alert and to focus.
How would YOU feel if that’s the 6-minute you started your day with? How would the quality of your day—your life—improve?
If you don’t SET your intention for how you begin your day, someone/something else will do it for you!

Want to read the “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod   Buy Now


Nutritional Benefits of Pineapples

Is there any fruit that’s more “summer” than than pineapple? Ok, ok, strawberries do give them pretty good competition. But, no matter what your favorite summer fruit is, it’s hard to to deny that whether you’re eating pineapples straight, grilling them up, or throwing them into a salad (or a smoothie!), the golden, tropical fruits scream summer. They’re good for you, too. Raw pineapple chunks provide manganese, vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, and copper.

Pineapples are delicious, sweet, pinecone-shaped plants grown most often in tropical countries like Thailand, Brazil, the Philippines, and Mexico. In the U.S., they only grown in one state: Hawaii. And, despite their name, pineapples are not related to apples at all. They actually look more like agave or yucca.


When are pineapples in season?

You’ll find pineapples year-round in most grocery stores, but their peak season runs from late spring to early fall. Unless you live in Hawaii or one of the countries mentioned above, it’s unlikely that you’ll find any at your local farmers market.


How do I choose a good pineapple?

A pineapple’s crown — the green leaves — should be bright green in color and the pineapple should be heavy for its size. A fully ripened pineapple offers a sweet fragrance and will be fairly firm to the touch. Avoid pineapples with bruises, soft spots, and dry leaves.


How do I store pineapples?

Pineapples can be kept at room temperature for up to five days, but they should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat. Store cut pineapple in a tightly-covered container in the refrigerator, and it should stay fresh for about a week.


How do you cut a pineapple?

You could buy pre-cut pineapple in cans or fresh at the store, but cutting your own pineapple isn’t hard. In fact, we bet you could do have the whole pineapple prepped in less than 2 minutes.

Getting past the spiky exterior is the first step, and that can be tricky. First, chop off the crown and the base of the pineapple. Then, go around the edges and slice off the exterior. Cut the pineapple into quarters and then slice down the middle of each quartered section to remove the core. From there, slice the pineapple lengthwise and then turn and slice into chunks. If you’re doing the 21 Day Fix or any other program that uses the Portion Control Containers, pineapple can be found on purple Potion Fix Container list.


What are some healthy pineapple recipes?

While Pineapple is a seriously sweet snack that’s easy to enjoy on its own, you can also add it to a homemade salsa for a sweeter flavor, or use it as a topping for fish, poultry, or lean cuts of beef. Here are some recipes to try:


Pineapple Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 cup, chunks or 1 purple Portion Control Container

Calories: 83
Total Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Monounsaturated Fat: 0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 2 mg
Total Carbohydrates: 22 g
Dietary Fiber: 2 g
Sugars: 16 g
Protein: 1 g
Vitamin C: 131% DV
Manganese: 76% DV
Folate: 7% DV
Magnesium: 5% DV
Copper: 9% DV

Article & Photo credit: Beachbody

Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring Vegetables

This Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring Vegetables is perfect for the veggie-lover who want a little bit of everything. It features whole grains, nutrient-rich powerhouses like hemp seeds and sprouts, and a mix of raw and roasted veggies add color and texture. Don’t let the long ingredient list deter you. This recipe can be batch prepped for the week ahead and portioned out into your meal prep containers for easy lunches or dinners throughout the week.

These bowls come together a lot faster than you might expect. As the oven heats, prep the tahini sauce. Then, pop your veggies into the oven until they’re roasted and tender. Want to streamline the process even more? Try pre-cooking the rice or quinoa.

Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring Vegetables
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 35 mins
Serves: 4 servings
  • Parchment paper
  • 2 Tbsp. tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp. water
  • ½ tsp. ground turmeric
  • ½ tsp. pure maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp. hot pepper sauce (optional)
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
  • ¼ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp. + 2 tsp. olive oil, divided use
  • 2 cups 2-inch asparagus pieces
  • 2 cups sliced zucchini
  • 2 cups cooked quinoa (or cooked brown rice)
  • 2 cups chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained, rinsed
  • 2 cups raw baby spinach
  • 2 cups halved baby heirloom tomatoes (or cherry tomatoes)
  • 2 Tbsp. hemp seeds
  • 2 Tbsp. sesame (or black sesame) seeds
  • 1 cup fresh sprouts
  1. Preheat oven to 425º F.
  2. Line large baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
  3. To make dressing, place tahini, lemon juice, water, turmeric, maple syrup, hot pepper sauce (if desired), salt, and pepper in food processor (or blender); cover. Pulse to blend.
  4. Slowly add 2 Tbsp. oil as food processor is running. Process until smooth and well blended. Set aside.
  5. Place asparagus and zucchini on prepared baking sheet. Drizzle with remaining 2 tsp. oil; mix well. Spread evenly on baking sheet. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, turning once, or until tender-crisp. Cool.
  6. Divide quinoa, chickpeas, spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini, hemp seeds, and sesame seeds evenly between four bowls.
  7. Drizzle evenly with dressing.
  8. Garnish with sprouts.


  • Use your favorite fresh sprouts to add texture to this recipe. You can try alfalfa, mung bean, sunflower, lentil or onion spouts. Radish sprouts will add a little more spice to this bowl. Make sure your sprouts are really fresh.
  • Use canned chickpeas, but make sure you drain and rinse well.

Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring Vegetables

Vegan Buddha Bowl with Spring Vegetables in post 3

Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 440
Total Fat: 21 g
Saturated Fat: 3 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 347 mg
Carbohydrates: 49 g
Fiber: 12 g
Sugars: 9 g
Protein: 17 g


Portion Fix Containers
2 Green
2 Yellow
1 Orange
2½ tsp.


Photo & Article credit:  & Beachbody blog

SHIFT SHOP: The 3-Week Rapid Rebuild


It doesn’t matter where you came from. Or where you’ve been. You can always reinvent yourself. And when you have someone like Chris Downing training you—someone who genuinely cares about you and your goals—the sky’s the limit. In 3 weeks, he’s going to take you from where you are now toward where you want to be.

The SHIFT SHOP is the first Beachbody program from our newest Super Trainer, Chris Downing. He’s an elite functional fitness trainer who specializes in helping anyone — regardless of weight, size, or age — get into amazing shape fast.

What Is the SHIFT SHOP?

The SHIFT SHOP is a ramp-up fitness program. Chris makes it easy for you to start. Then he gradually increases the intensity of the cardio and strength-training workouts week by week — all while refining your nutrition. Plus, he makes it a lot of fun.

Week 1, Chris uses shorter, 25-minute workouts that’ll help you stay focused and committed. And you’ll be eating a healthy balance of carbs, protein, and fat.

Week 2, just as your body adapts to the workouts, Chris increases their length to 35 minutes. Plus, you’ll cut back on the starchy carbs, while revving up the proteins and veggies.

Week 3, it all comes together. Seven days of higher-intensity workouts, while eating clean. This is your grand finale.

And there’s even a modifier you can follow, so you can always get through all the moves, and still get a great workout.

What can you expect after 3 weeks in the shop? Nothing but results. Your body should be leaner, faster, stronger. And because Chris will be shifting you toward a healthier mindset as well, you’ll be able to build on these accomplishments for the rest of your life.

What’s Included in the SHIFT SHOP?

With the SHIFT SHOP you get 8 workouts that start slow, then accelerate. You’ll also receive a Jump Start Guide that helps you start achieving your goals on Day 1, Agility Markers that can help improve your coordination and agility, a 3-week calendar, and the Simple Shift Nutrition Guide — all specifically engineered to help you achieve maximum results.

This is your shift. The one you’ve been talking about. You can do this.

See why the SHIFT SHOP is one of the most highly anticipated fitness programs in Beachbody history!

COMING JULY 2017! I am SO excited about this!! I have my fitness programs laid out until July so it’s going to be the PERFECT time for my and my fitness journey!!

Who wants to do this with us this summer?!? We are going to start a list of our fit family friends who want to be the FIRST to SHIFT with us! We will send you exclusive details as we learn more and more about this program. You’ll also be the first to know the details around its official release & be one of the first invited to our challenge group!

The #SHIFTlist – leave your email or join my Shift Shop Event group on Facebook if you want to be a part of one of the first challenge groups to complete this program!
*not for coaches*

I know Chris Downing is going to be an awesome trainer & motivator! We can’t wait!
Get on the #SHIFTlist with us!

Shakeology Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

You don’t have to wait for Valentines day to be romantic or have strawberry dipped in chocolate!! Finish off any dinner with chocolate-dipped strawberries that will melt your heart. These aren’t just any old chocolate-dipped strawberries. These homemade treats are made with love–and Shakeology! Instead of chocolate, these berries are dipped in a rich, chocolaty mixture of Shakeology and coconut oil that hardens in the fridge just like chocolate. Bae will be very impressed.

Don’t have Shakeology yet? Get all of the flavors of Shakeology here!


Follow These Tips to Make Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

1. While, a basket of strawberries from the grocery store will work in this recipe, if you really want to make these chocolate-dipped strawberries special, seek out super sweet, juicy berries from your local farmers market.

2. Help the chocolate adhere by starting with dry strawberries. After washing the berries, pat them dry and set them on a clean dish towel to dry completely.

3. Chilling the strawberries before dipping them in chocolate will help the chocolate stick and begin to harden right away.

4. If the chocolate sauce is not thick enough to form a nice coating, mix in more Shakeology one teaspoon at a time. (This will change the nutritional information for this recipe slightly).

5. Mix things up by dipping some of the strawberries in the Strawberry or Vanilla Shakeology mixture first, and then pipe them with the Chocolate Shakeology mixture.

6. Store strawberries in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

Shakeology Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

Total Time: 1 hr. 15 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 12 servings, 1 strawberry each

Parchment paper
½ scoop Chocolate Shakeology
6 Tbsp. melted extra-virgin organic coconut oil, divided use
12 large stemmed strawberries, washed, completely dried
½ scoop Strawberry (or Vanilla) Shakeology

1. Cover large baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Combine Chocolate Shakeology and 3 Tbsp. oil in a small bowl; mix until smooth.
3. Grip each strawberry by the leaf and dip ¾ of it into Chocolate Shakeology mixture, swirling to cover. (Chocolate Shakeology mixture can also be applied to strawberries with a knife.) Place on prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining strawberries.
4. Combine Strawberry Shakeology and remaining 3 Tbsp. oil in a small bowl; mix until smooth.
5. Place Strawberry Shakeology mixture in a small re-sealable plastic bag. Squeeze out most of the air; seal top. Cut off one tiny corner of plastic bag.
6. Pipe Strawberry Shakeology mixture in horizontal lines over dipped strawberries.
Refrigerate for 1 hour, or until coating is set.

Shakeology Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 81
Total Fat: 7 g
Saturated Fat: 6 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 12 mg
Carbohydrates: 3 g
Fiber: 1 g
Sugars: 2 g
Protein: 2 g

½ Purple
1½ tsp.

Article & Photo credit: Team Beachbody Blog


At the end of the day, an alkaline diet is just a fancy, holistic way of saying, “Eat your vegetables.” The holistic theory is that a diet filled with alkaline-promoting foods, particularly produce, will help your body’s acid/alkaline balance, leading to all kinds of benefits, including a healthy metabolism, cardiovascular system, immune system, and skeletal system. The holistic view behind this practice makes sense. The research and evidence basis, however, is still a mixed bag.

That said, there are some groovy emerging studies in favor of the practice and whether you take stock in holistic medicine or not, alkaline diets are high in real, nutrient-rich foods, and low in refined sugar and chemicals — so you got nothin’ to lose by trying one.


Alkalinity and Acidity in Your Body

Our bodies exist in a constant balancing act between internal acids and bases. This is measured by a little ditty you may remember from Chem 101 called the pH Scale, with 1 being super acidic and 14 being super alkaline. Different parts of our bodies vary in their acidity, but we’re happiest with an overall slightly alkaline internal pH balance of about 7.35 to 7.45. If that number drops below 7.35, this means you’re in a state of acidosis.

Before we go any further, you might be thinking, “Acid is bad news, man! How’d that stuff even get in there?” Well, relax. Acids and acidic environments are crucial to life. Amino acids, fatty acids, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are examples of acids important to your health. Heck, your stomach is just a meat bag filled with hydrochloric acid featuring a pH around 3.5 — but without it, you couldn’t break down food.

The lungs and kidneys are the two major players in controlling pH. There are a few forms of acidosis, but they can be lumped into two groups: respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis. When it comes to diet and pH balance, let’s focus on the latter.


Acid In Your Food?

Again, less scary than it sounds. Some foods produce acidity in your body. Others produce alkalinity. Just because a food is “acid-forming,” it doesn’t mean you’ll get chemical burns picking it up. Most proteins are acid forming, for example. (Although, getting blisters on your fingers when you reach for the buffalo wings would be a fantastic calorie-restriction technique.)

The various alkaline diet programs tend to spin the acid (or base) load of foods in different ways, but generally speaking, animal products, including meat, eggs, shellfish, and milk, are acid forming. So are grains. Legumes are usually neutral. Nuts, fruit, tubers, mushrooms, and veggies (especially leafy greens) tend to be alkaline forming.

So if eating an alkaline diet is your goal, focus on produce. That doesn’t mean you need to avoid animal products; just make sure the bulk of your plate is filled with fruits and veggies. And if you’re going vegan, remember that protein isn’t the enemy. In fact, a study in the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that protein actually helps with kidney function; the key isn’t to eliminate it as much as it is to balance it out with more alkaline-forming foods.


But Is Eating an Alkaline Diet Beneficial?

In Western medicine, the current, conventional wisdom is that unless something goes catastrophically wrong, you don’t need to worry about acid/alkaline balance because your kidneys sort everything out. “At the end of the day, our bodies have to regulate our acid-base balance in order for us to survive,” notes Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietician and author of The Flexitarian Diet. “There’s no reason for anyone to freak out about it.”

On the other (holistic) hand, why put your body under undue stress? The harder you work any machine, the sooner it’ll break down. Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN argues that forcing your kidneys and immune system to deal with excess acids too often—thanks to poor diet choices and 21st century toxicity — causes reduced immunity and an inflammation-inducing stress-state. “Allowing repair deficits known as inflammation to persist is like your body running a marathon every day, “ insisted Dr. Jaffe, author of The Alkaline Way. ”Could you do that? Could you run a marathon every day?”

And even beyond Western medicine’s “In Kidneys We Trust” credo, there is some science indicating that the crazy acid-fest in the typical Western diet may have a negative impact on health. A review in the journal Clinical Nutrition states that, “High dietary acid load is more likely to result in diabetes and systemic hypertension and may increase the cardiovascular risk.” The review also notes that while the kidneys work to balance acidity and dispose of byproducts of this process in urine, this drives down the pH of said urine, which may increase the likelihood of uric acid kidney stones. (Ouch.)

A separate review from Bastyr University, an alternative medicine university, published in the British Journal of Nutrition points out that “available research makes a compelling case that diet-induced acidosis is a real phenomenon, has significant clinical relevance, may largely be prevented through dietary changes, and should be recognized and treated.”

A more controversial claim from the pro-alkaline diet set is that a more acidic diet pulls alkalinizing minerals from your bones, which may weaken them. The science isn’t clear on this one. In fact, an abstract in the Journal of Bone Mineral Metabolism (yes, that’s a real journal) hypothesizes that, when combined with high calcium intake, an acid-producing diet may actually protect bones, given the importance of protein, sodium, and phosphorous in bone formation.

That said, a few studies indicate that an alkaline diet — particularly one filled with potassium — may help preserve muscle mass in women and older people — and strong skeletal muscle plays an important role in protecting bones.

But keep in mind that avoiding a high dietary acid load isn’t a weekend project. While there’s no shortage of great nutrition plans out that teach you how to balance alkaline and acid, keep in mind that truly addressing the issue requires a long-term nutritional strategy. “If you eat whole foods you can digest, assimilate, and eliminate without immune burden, you will be in alkaline balance,” says Jaffe. But you’ll need to keep it up to maintain that balance.

Regardless of the science, the most compelling reason to try some type of alkaline diet is that there’s no compelling reason not to. The benefit of eating plenty of plants is almost undisputed across the dietary dogma spectrum — from Paleo to vegan. “It’s common sense,” says Blatner. “Regardless of whether it does or doesn’t change your pH, here’s what we know: People who eat this way are going to be healthier than the people who don’t.”

January 12, 2017 

Unicorn Bark

As much as we may want to emulate the carefree lifestyle of these majestic, horned beasts, mere mortals will not last long on a typical unicorn diet. That’s why we created this frozen yogurt unicorn bark made with yogurt, fruit, and Vanilla Shakeology (which is kind of like magic, amiright?). It looks like it’s packed with sugar, but this delicious rainbow treat is as healthy as can be!

Unicorn bark is usually made with sugar, more sugar, food coloring, and lots of sprinkles, so how did we make it colorful and still good for you? We used blueberries, strawberries, and mango to make three different colors of yogurt, then swirled them together in a flat pan for a rainbow effect. Then, we topped our unicorn bark with wishes, dreams, and shredded coconut (and a sprinkling of glittery sprinkles because we couldn’t help ourselves). So, go ahead, eat like a unicorn without regrets.

To make this unicorn bark recipe without a blender, simply mash each fruit in separate bowls. Add ¾ cup yogurt, 1 scoop Shakeology, and 1½ tsp. honey to each bowl and mix well.

Don’t have Shakeology yet? Get all of the Shakeology flavors here.

Vanilla Shakeology Unicorn Bark

Total Time: 2 hrs. 20 min.
Prep Time: 20 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 6 servings

Parchment paper
2¼ cups reduced-fat (2%) plain yogurt, divided use
3 scoops Vanilla Shakeology, divided use
4½ tsp. raw honey, divided use
½ cup chopped medium strawberries
½ cup fresh blueberries
½ cup chopped mango (or pineapple)
¼ cup + 2 Tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut

1. Line 13 x 9-inch pan with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Place ¾ cup yogurt, 1 scoop Shakeology, 1½ tsp. honey, and strawberries in blender; cover; blend until smooth. Place in a medium bowl. Set aside.
3. Place ¾ cup yogurt, 1 scoop Shakeology, 1½ tsp. honey, and blueberries in blender; cover; blend until smooth. Place in a medium bowl. Set aside.
4. Place remaining ¾ cup yogurt, remaining 1 scoop Shakeology, remaining 1½ tsp. honey, and mango in blender; cover; blend until smooth. Place in a medium bowl. Set aside.
5. Place large dollops of strawberry mixture randomly around prepared baking sheet. Repeat with blueberry and mango mixtures, making sure dollops are touching.
6. Gently cut through yogurt mixtures with a knife in a circular motion to create marbling.
7. Sprinkle top with coconut. Cover with plastic wrap
8. Freeze for 2 hours, or until firm.
9. Cut (or break) into bite-sized pieces; serve immediately, or freeze until ready to enjoy.

Unicorn Bark Ingredients

Unicorn Bark

Unicorn Bark

Unicorn Bark

Unicorn Bark

Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 197
Total Fat: 6
Saturated Fat: 4
Cholesterol: 7
Sodium: 130
Carbohydrates: 21
Fiber: 3
Sugars: 15
Protein: 17

Portion Fix Containers
½ Purple
½ Red
½ Orange

Article & Photo credit: Beachbody